
January 28
The first Holy Mass day (Makaram15- January 28), the feast of stone laid day, is being celebrated for three days in the name of Holy Mary.

On every January 26 evening, with evening prayer the anniversary of Sunday school and devotional associations is celebrated together. On 27th January there is a Holy procession with evening prayer and devoted Holy food supply.

On 28th January, the most important day of celebration, there is MOONNINMEL Holy Mass and here alter a Holy procession to chapel and there is devoted milk rice and food supply too.

April 22
On 22nd April, the death day celebration of Mar Ghevarghese, the protector of the Parish, is celebrated. There is a Holy procession with prayer to Thrikkunnath Kurisinkal (small shrine site) and devoted food supply thereafter. On 22nd there is Holy procession to Kallupalam Kurisinkal (small shrine site) after the Holy Mass.

May 15
In the name of Holy Divine Mother, the feast of the seed, used for cultivation and agriculture, is celebrated on May 15th. On this day the whole people of Parish devote a certain percentage of the seeds to the Church.

Moreover, except the above said feasts, the whole feasts instructed by the Holy Church are devotedly celebrated.